2099 GRAND STREET, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 | PHONE: (510) 865-1200 | FAX: (510) 865-1240

Email: Marina@grandmarina.com | Latitude 37 46.73 North-Longitude 122 15.13 West

May 2024 Newsletter


When leaving your slip please remember to shut off all electricity going to the power cord. We have seen far too many power lines on the docks HOT! It is a danger to all of our tenants in and out of the water.

Restroom/Shower Etiquette

The Grand Marina restroom and shower facilities are shared by all tenants and their guests. The facility can become unsightly to the next person if we do not use some etiquette. Please use the receptacles for your discarded items and trash. Please be mindful of the time you are using the shower if there is someone waiting to use it. Please report issues that affect the use of the facilities (such as clogged drains).

Marine Protected Areas

California is the first state in the nation to establish a network of marine protected areas (MPSs). Similar to national parks on land, MPAs are designed to help protect and restore ocean
habitats, and improve the health, productivity and resilience of ocean ecosystems. What happens when boats are too close to breeding seabird areas? -Scare birds off their nests, allowing
predators access to eggs and chicks; -Force abandonment of eggs and chicks; -Dislodge eggs or chicks from their nest sites. What can you do to prevent seabird disturbance? -Steer around rafts and feeding flocks of seabirds; -Stay 1,000 feet from rocks, reefs and islands where seabirds rest, feed and nest. -Cover food and bait, do not throw fishing line overboard and use barbless
hooks or artificial lures.

Does your water taste funny?

1. Visual inspect your entire system
2. Are your hoses in good condition?
3. Lubricate your seacocks and inspect the internal water tanks’ vents and make sure no spiders or critters have climbed in. Cleaning the system 1. Fill the tanks to capacity (noting the total number of gallons)
2. Add bleach in the following proportion: 8 ounces of liquid household bleach to every 10 gallons of water.
3. Open all the faucets and keep them open until the water that comes out smells like bleach.
4. Turn the faucets off, but leave the pump on and the system pressurized. This will keep the bleach working in the lines. Leave the bleach in the system at least 8 hours, but not for more than 24 hours. (Aluminum tanks can be cleaned with bleach, but not more than twice a year.)
**Keep in mind that this ratio of bleach is for CLEANING ONLY, not for drinking. The ratio for drinking water is ½ teaspoon of bleach to every 5 gallons of water**
5. When the bleach has been in the system for the required amount of time, flush it out by keeping all faucets running until the water stops smelling of bleach, looks clear and tastes good. This will require emptying and refilling the tanks at least once, but twice wouldn’t hurt and three times would be better.

Marina Etiquette

Anchors or bow sprits over the dock can be potentially dangerous to a person walking down the dock. We would like to again stress the importance of keeping the walkway clear and safe for the tenants. If your boat is not a good fit for your slip, contact the office and we will move you. Or if we notice your boat does not fit properly, we will reassign you to a larger berth at our discretion. Also, make sure the boat is tied up properly, with lines on both sides of the boat. A shift in the wind can easily push the boat over the dock. Equally important is to keep the
walk ways and fingers clear of clutter. Extra storage boxes may not be kept on the dock. Likewise, dinghies, row boats or skiffs may not be kept on the dock. This is not only a courtesy to your neighbors, but a safety issue as well. Check in with the office if you have any questions about putting a dinghy at the front of your berth.

Keep Your Keys to Yourself

We would like to ask that our berthers not loan gate keys out to people working on their boats. This is for your safety and the safety of your fellow berthers. The Harbor Office is open from
9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday – Saturday. Boat workers should obtain dock keys directly from the office. Misused keys are subject to deactivation without notice. It is also a violation of the access agreement in the rules and regulations.