2099 GRAND STREET, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 | PHONE: (510) 865-1200 | FAX: (510) 865-1240

Email: Marina@grandmarina.com | Latitude 37 46.73 North-Longitude 122 15.13 West

March 2024 Newsletter

Spring is coming…

In the meantime, let’s try to deal with this cold! Be cause winters are cold, and as you all have experienced, it can be difficult to keep a boat warm and dry inside. The local marine stores offer various types of boat heaters, and their staff will be happy to discuss the equipment that will best meet your needs, at the greatest efficiency. They also have low wattage dehumidifiers to help with dampness. Of course the best method to combat dampness is to open up the boat when ever possible, and to keep it well ventilated. Which brings us to questions regarding electrical charges. The Marina has had phone calls from tenants shocked when they saw their recent electrical charges. We will always gladly check your meter for accuracy, but remember the regulation of electricity usage is up to the individual tenant. Also, make sure that the wiring on your boat has been done correctly, and that you are using the correct electric cord. Check you plug for corrosion and make sure you have a good connection. And as always, call us if you can any questions or concerns.


When leaving your slip please remember to shut off all electricity going to the power cord. We have seen far too many power lines on the docks HOT! It is a danger to all of our tenants
in and out of the water.

Restroom/Shower Etiquette

The Grand Marina restroom and shower facilities are shared by all tenants and their guests. The facility can become unsightly to the next person if we do not use some etiquette. Please use the receptacles for your discarded items and trash. Please be mindful of the time you are using the shower if there is someone waiting to use it. Please report issues that affect the use of the facilities (such as clogged drains). As always, if you have constructive suggestions please let us know by dropping in the suggestion box located at the entrance of the bathroom. Thank you

Marine Protected Areas

California is the first state in the nation to establish a network of marine protected areas (MPSs). Similar to national parks on land, MPAs are designed to help protect and restore ocean habitats, and improve the health, productivity and resilience of ocean ecosystems. What happens when boats are too close to breeding seabird areas?
• Scare birds off their nests, allowing predators access to eggs and chicks
• Force abandonment of eggs and chicks
• Dislodge eggs or chicks from their nest sites.
• What can you do to prevent seabird disturbance?
• Steer around rafts and feeding flocks of seabirds
• Stay 1,000 feet from rocks, reefs and islands where seabirds rest, feed and nest
• Cover food and bait, do not throw fishing line overboard and use barb less hooks or artificial lures.

All Ships! All Ships! All Ships!

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary invites you to register for a Vessel Safety Check, and receive a 2024 decal for placement on your mast or windshield confirming your compliance with all Federal and State regulations regarding boating safety. This vessel examination is provided by the Auxiliary at no charge without risk of citation for non-compliance.

Vessel Safety Check Event Date and Time:

Saturday, April 13; Sunday, April 14
10 AM to 3 PM
Location: Checkpoint outside Gate to ABC dock

To better manage our manpower, we ask that you register in advance of this date by sending an e-mail to:

Gerry Gragg
Vessel Examiner

Email: sobella2009@yahoo.com

Thank you for your cooperation and participation! By registering for a Vessel Safety Check, you will receive a complementary California Clean and Green Boater Kit