2099 GRAND STREET, ALAMEDA, CA 94501 | PHONE: (510) 865-1200 | FAX: (510) 865-1240

Email: Marina@grandmarina.com | Latitude 37 46.73 North-Longitude 122 15.13 West

February 2025 Newsletter

2025 Parking Permit Reminder

The new 2025 parking passes are available for pick up. Make sure that when you come up to pick up your new passes, you bring the old ones with you. This is also a good time to update any vehicle info that might have changed. It’s a good idea to list all vehicles that you plan on bringing to the marina.

Dock Etiquette – Noise

Secure your halyards! In addition to being bad manners, the continuous slapping of lines and hardware against the mast eventually damages the aluminum finish, whether it’s coated or anodized. If the clanging is from the halyards, the snap shackles should be unclipped from the sails and secured away from the spars while the boat is at dock. Bungee cords also work well. Plastic tarps are not harbor awnings or an “alternative” to fixing leaks, not to mention how tarps look. Covers should be made of canvas, either natural or synthetic. Both fabrics, when properly tensioned, are nearly silent in anything less than gale conditions.

Package Delivery

Tenants will sometimes receive packages in our offices. We kindly ask that when you get a call from us, you pick up your packages as soon as possible. The office has very limited space, and at
times it can get crowded with boxes. If you are not a liveaboard, you should not be getting mail or packages at the Grand Marina office. Any mail that arrives will be returned to sender.

Drop Off Box

Did you know that Grand Marina has a rent slot box where you can drop off your monthly checks? It is located next to the mailboxes that are directly behind the parking lot and the large port hole. Since the marina office is still currently closed, you can just drop it off on your way in or out of the marina.

Please Remember…

…It is a violation of Marina Rules and Federal Law to discharge untreated sewage into the Marina. Grand Marina reports all violators to the US Coast Guard.

Parking Rules Reminder

34. Parking. Vehicles shall be parked only in designated areas. The owner of any vehicle parked on marina property shall indemnify, protect and defend the Marina from and against all actual
or potential liability, whether property damage, theft or personal injury or any other harm caused or occasioned by parking on Marina pro therefore be at the owner’s sole risk. The display of a parking permit, issued by the Marina, is required. Vehicles parked without such a permit are subject to being towed, at the owner’s risk and expense. No parking areas shall be used to store any vehicle or trailer. The parking of any motor home, mobile home, camp trailer, camper, trailer, or similar vehicle shall be at the discretion of the Harbormaster and a special permit issued by the Marina shall require. The following parking restrictions shall apply:
(a) Apart from one car owned by a person living aboard a vessel pursuant to a Live Aboard Addendum, Marina parking is limited to no more than 72 hours. Vehicles not owned by such live aboard that are left for more than 72 hours without the express written prior approval of the Marina Office will be subject to being towed. Designated parking is expressly and exclusively for the use of Marina slip tenants and their guests. Violators will be towed at the owner’s sole risk and expense.
(b) Vehicle maintenance work in the Marina parking areas is strictly forbidden.
(c) No overnight occupancy, loitering, cooking, or sleeping is allowed.

Insurance Reminder

All of our tenants should be aware that if you have your boat in our marina it must be insured with a minimum liability amount of $300k. And most of you readily comply when it is renewal
time. It is your responsibility to make sure that we have a copy of your current insurance certificate. Please remember failure to provide this information can result in termination of your
tenancy. Some major insurance providers will no longer automatically send copies to listed marinas. This means it is solely up to you to make sure we get a copy of your renewal.

Information Update

If you have changed your address or phone number, email or vehicles, please contact the Harbor Office to provide us with the new information. It is very important that we are able to contact you, especially in the event of an emergency with your vessel.