This is not an application for Liveaboard status

By signing below, authorizes marina to contact owner/operator of previous mooring location to verify tenancy and payment history.
Identify Holders of Mortgage & Other Liens Against Vessel
(End to end including swim steps, bowsprits, outboard, all overhangs)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload a copy of the current vessel registration or documentation or a copy of the bill of sale and the receipt showing fees have been paid to the DMV. (File Extensions allowed: .jpg, .pdf, .png)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Evidence of current liability insurance (minimum of $300,000) (File Extensions allowed: .jpg, .pdf, .png)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
At least 3 current photos of the vessel. 1 side view, 1 back view, 1 front view. Make sure to include CF # and/or documented name. (File Extensions allowed: .jpg, .pdf, .png)
By clicking yes, you acknowledge that the information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize Grand Marina or its agents to verify the above information and obtain a credit report. All applicants must sign above.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
For an application to be complete, it must be accompanied by the following: • A copy of the current vessel registration or documentation or a copy of the bill of sale and the receipt showing fees have been paid to the DMV. • Evidence of current liability insurance (minimum of $300,000) • At least 3 current photos of the vessel. 1 side view, 1 back view, 1 front view. Make sure to include CF # and/or documented name. • If the application is canceled by the applicant, the fee will not be returned. • Once your application has been approved, the vessel will still need to be inspected before a license agreement is executed. • First month's rent and an equal amount as a security deposit is due on the date of move in. • Two Mobile Keys are available for free. Key fobs can be purchased for $30 each. • Once your application has been approved, the vessel will still need to be inspected before a license agreement is executed
The rental rate is based on overall length: Boat or berth length whichever is greater. Final rental amounts will be determined when the boat arrives and is measured by marina personnel. Vessels are assigned berths that accommodate them with no overhang, except as permitted by Marina staff. If the boat is found to be too large for the slip, the tenant may be required to be relocated to a larger berth.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload your Initials as a JPG or PNG